When I was a teenager I always wished I had the opportunity to talk to somone about life after high school. While I knew college was in my future, it was that question of "what am I going to do after I graduate?" that always haunted me. So last month during my leave, I took it upon myself to visit with my alma mater and speak to students about my "AF" story. I didn't go as a recruiter who told them to "drink the kool-aid." Nor did I walk the party line and give them the usual propaganda that most high school students have become accustomed to. Instead, I provided them w/ useful information on my journey with an unbiased, agenda free motive. I'm not sure if I reached anyone or if I sparked interest in the next generation of leaders, but I know that the students I talked to were more educated about the military then they were before I walked in the door. I spoke to them because I felt an obligation to pass on what I have learned, for my experiences serve no purpose staying in my memory. I do what I do not because I get to travel or because of the money or promotions. I serve because I love my country and I am willing to defend it. I believe in the cause of freedom and I know that it's worth the fight.
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