Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Deed #19: Sachem Pride

It's almost been a decade since my last home football game as a Sachem. I remember vividly those last moments as well as many of the events that day. These memories of mine will forever share a special place heart. It's been quite sometime since I've seen a game from the bleachers. But like being on the field, I remember how much joy the "Friday Night Lights" atmosphere brought to me. More importantly though over the years it has brought a small NH town together. And while I probably overestimated the support we had back in my playing days, I know that there has always been a real sense of community that has come to support the Sachems year after year. There is something magical in those lights. The band, the cheerleaders, the smell of popcorn, the sound of cleats as they march up the concrete from the locker room through the back gate.

I shared some of my favorite high school memories with the guys I played football with. It was amazing to look around the huddle and see the faces of people you grew up with. There was such a sense of security and comfort knowing that no matter what, those guys had your back. What a great feeling!

What I always thought was most important though was the fact that no matter what one's social status or income, we all came together both on and off the field. Football is certainly an equalizer. On the field there is little room to fake performance. You can either hit or get hit, catch the ball or drop it, run fast or get caught. From a fan perspective there were few disigenuous spectators. I'd challenge an alumnus who didn't know the school song that was played after each touchdown, "Rah, Rah for Ole' Laconia!"

There is something very near and dear to my heart in the backyard of 345 Union Ave. One day I look forward to going back and watching the next generation of Sachems take the field. I hope when they grow up they will have as fond of memories as I and other former Sachem alumns have today.

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